Does the client have a Financial Representative? * Please Select Yes No
Are you the client? * Please Select Yes No, I am completing this on the clients behalf
Relationship to Client
Address & Postcode
Telephone Number
Is the Financial Representative the D.W.P (benefits agency) Appointee? Please Select Yes No Applied For
Does the Financial Representative have Lasting Power of Attorney? Please Select Yes - Registered Yes - Not Registered No Applied For
Does the Financial Representative have Enduring Power of Attorney? Please Select Yes - Registered Yes - Not Registered No Applied For
Does the Financial Representative have Court of Protection? Please Select Yes - Registered Yes - Not Registered No Applied For
Court of Protection Case Reference Number
Name of Bank or Company
Balance / Value (£)
Joint or Sole Account Please State Sole Joint
Is this linked to Life Insurance? Please Select Yes No
Please provide Life Insurance details
Do you have another account? Please Select Yes No
Name of Bank or Company
Balance / Value (£)
Joint or Sole Account Please State Sole Joint
Is this linked to Life Insurance? Please Select Yes No
Please provide Life Insurance details
Do you have another account? Please Select Yes No
Name of Bank or Company
Balance / Value (£)
Joint or Sole Account Please State Sole Joint
Is this linked to Life Insurance? Please Select Yes No
Please provide Life Insurance details
Do you have another account? Please Select Yes No
Name of Bank or Company
Balance / Value (£)
Joint or Sole Account Please State Sole Joint
Is this linked to Life Insurance? Please Select Yes No
Please provide Life Insurance details
Do you have another account? Please Select Yes No
Name of Bank or Company
Balance / Value (£)
Joint or Sole Account Please State Sole Joint
Is this linked to Life Insurance? Please Select Yes No
Please provide Life Insurance details
Do you have another account? Please Select Yes No
Name of Bank or Company
Balance / Value (£)
Joint or Sole Account Please State Sole Joint
Is this linked to Life Insurance? Please Select Yes No
Please provide Life Insurance details
Do you have another account? Please Select Yes No